Smart phones are big of a deal in our contemporary world and its fast growth and usage have risen in a short duration of time. They are a class of mobile phones and are of multi-purpose mobile computing devices, smart phones are distinguished from other feature phones by their stronger hardware capabilities and exclusive operating systems.
The history of the first device that passed for Smart phone can be traced far back 1994. That device would be the IBM Simon which was released in 1994. It was the first device to feature telephone and PDA elements, even though back then there was no term as “Smart phone” but Simon could be contested for a Smart phone because asides from its telephony features, it had other featured applications and systems such as email, calendar, calculator, address book, note pad, multiple on-screen keypads and the ability to send and receive faxes.
Technically smart phones are mobile devices that perform many of the functions of a computer. They have touchscreen interface, access to the internet and an operation system that is capable of running downloaded applications.
If comparisons are to be made between the days that there were no smartphones and now that there are different smartphones in existence the world was harder then when there were no phones. The mass adoption of smartphones is an undeniable historical landmark because technology became even more better, so now they’re here can you imagine a world without them? Unbearable and boring right? Yes!
Just as there are positive impacts of smartphones, the negative effects can not be overlooked. And today’s topic we shall be looking at some of these negative impacts.
Although our lives have changed drastically in some ways since the outburst of smartphones, there are some drawbacks that should be outlined.
Some research has shown that too much usage of smart phones can contribute to lack of sleep and depression.
Some negative effects of smartphones include;
Relationship breakdown: Most relationships have come to a standstill because of little or no physical communication between couples as a result of the over use of their smartphones.
When a partner feels unappreciated by their partners they tend to choose someone else who values their companionship/company. Couples who spend more quality time engaging in their phones than with their partners may likely face a split-up because their smartphones are considered more important to them than their relationships.
Negative influence on parenting: Kids are prone to be more whining and hyperactive when they don’t get proper care from their parents. According to psychology today “Parents who are always on their smartphones while with their children are not fully present but rather are absorbed elsewhere”
Parents smartphone addiction can lead to behavioral problems in children which can make them feel emotionally neglected and unattended to; those are not suggestive ways to bring up mentally and socially conscious children.
Self-worth based on social media likes: These days smartphones have caused more damage than the actual positive results they entail because people over use things that can be beneficial to them. People base their achievements and worth based on the likes they get on social media, these thoughts have led many into depression and anxiety which can end up in suicide. People no longer place value on themselves base on their physical attributes, however one can not get validated by the amount of likes they get social media, it isn’t healthy.
The FMO (Fear of missing out): Disconnection from social media for a short period of time can lead to the feeling of missing out of happenings. People oftentimes feel they’re not making progress in life because of how glamorous other people’s photos appear on their newsfeeds.
According to Dr Fores “The notion of making a good impression or comparing oneself to others is not a new concept; however, the emotional effect has been magnified with all the social media outlets at our disposable these days,”
In all, smart phones have made positive changes in many ways of our lives and one of them is bringing those who are far distance closer to us.
Undoubtedly, life would have been little or no fun without our smart phones but imagine if we start it right now by fixing those things that may eventually lead us to missing those great things that bring us closer to the people outside our smartphones. The world would be more fun because our priorities are placed right.
These are things we know but rather not do. These are things we should never shy away from. Talk about our relationships, these days relationships break because of our negligence, we have taken solace in our phones than in people, we don’t really know the worth of people anymore, but how expensive our smartphones are.
Talk about parenting, children have the tendency of feeling left alone if proper care isn’t given to them. Parents who engage in their phones more than the time they engage with their kids have failed in their parental positions.
Talk about the feeling of being left alone; this is even worst. The fear of using your smartphone and coming online to see others making progress but you haven’t, has left a lot of people in depression and even suicide attempts.
We should learn to place priorities on humans, goals and responsibilities and not on perishable materials.
This alone is a great article and am glad I stumbled on it. Thanks.
This article is clearly an eye opener. I can bet a lot of people need to learn this tactics in order to become better people. Our smartphones arent supposed to be idolised A lot of people have to see this, thanks for such a timely post. Well written article and message is passed clearly. Thanks again for sharing.
We have really given our freedom to our smartphones, we forget that before smartphones existed humans were our greatest companions. I can imagine smartphones ruling the world in a few years time, and a world that is clueless of its surroundings, it’s really a sad one.