The sheer amount of times one fails can loosely be taken to be a yardstick for which success can be compared to or even measured. This is a concept that Albert Einstein, the genius scientist and one of the greatest minds to ever exist who discovered the Theory of relativity is very conversant with.
His struggles are actually intriguing. This is a man that couldn’t use words till he was 3 years old and could barely read until he was 7. He is what people would refer to as a “slow learner” and his teacher was hardly fond of him. Even once asserting that the young jewish boy would not be able to survive in the modern world due to his struggles.
Einstein went on to be recognized globally due to his contribution to science and was awarded a Nobel prize in 1921, an honour given exclusively to remarkable individuals on Earth. Failing is simply a path that most men follow on their way to success. Success is the reward for perseverance and the only time one can be termed a failure, is the moment you give up trying.
Renowned individuals like J .K Rowling, Abraham Lincoln ( The16th president of the United States of America), Oprah Winfrey, Dr Seuss, Bill Gates and many more passed through series of failures before getting to their goals.
I believe that failure is simply a path to growth. With every attempt we make and with every failure, we learn a new path that may not get us to the end point, but each learned route that doesn’t work is simply a lesson that adds to an individual’s knowledge and inventory. Each failed attempt is life presenting an opportunity for you to rise above an obstacle and be a better version of yourself.
Nothing in life is promised and just like everything else, success isn’t completely in our control. The path to success is riddled with different ways to fail and it is up to you to take the good from a bad situation, let it mold you and fortify your resolve. And whenever you’re feeling down, remember what Alber Einstein said; “failure really is just success in progress.”
Be reminded that an unsuccessful man can not achieve his goal because a person who isn’t successful doesn’t exist, only successful men achieve their goals and yet not all successful men achieve their goals or even have one. Yes!!!, I just made you raise an eyebrow. It’s something to ponder on.