I have become a slave of my own emotion.
Why do I have to feel this way?
Why does my emotion tell me what to do?
It runs my head like a car in motion.
It controls my every motive. Do I think straight? Yes and No! Yes, because my emotion is part of me and No because it is accompanied with love and hate.
I have to love or hate someone, why can’t I be in the middle where I do not have to make a choice? Where I become a neutral person.
Yet, I am controlled by my own feeling. It brings a question; does it make me strong or weak?
Is it because there is a force I cannot control or see, or is it just inherent in me?
In many ways, it comes like waves; I am controlled by what I see or feel, sometimes out of my curiosity and because I have to heal from my wounds, yes! “My wounds” because it brings me pain sometimes, and most times pleasure too, I get to let it have its way
If it’s wrong, then I don’t want my emotion to be my guide, I don’t want to be moved by how it works, but how I have to make my life better, I should do what’s right not minding whether it approves it or not. Oh well!
I am not controlled by my emotion because I am stronger.
I am controlled by my strong will to always do what’s right.